
picture of a tag with message of you're in
Cabrillo Transfer Services

Transfer Admission Guarantee

Fall 2025 Admission

Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs)

Guarantee Your Spot at UC!

A Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a program for California community college students to earn a guaranteed acceptance to a university. There are six participating University of California (UC) that offer TAG:

  1. UC Davis

  2. UC Irvine

  3. UC Merced

  4. UC Riverside

  5. UC Santa Barbara

  6. UC Santa Cruz

ÿÈÕ̽»¨ are encouraged to make a Cabrillo counseling appointment to review specific requirements and deadlines.

Counselor and Transfer Student
student at graduation


Transfer Admission Guarantee

A Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a program for California community college students to earn a guaranteed acceptance to one of the six participating University of California (UC) campuses:

  • , 3.20 - 3.50 minimum GPA (by the end of Summer '24)

  • , 3.40 minimum GPA (by the end of Summer '24)

  • , 2.80-3.00 minimum GPA (by the end of Summer '24)

  • , 2.70-3.30 minimum GPA (by the end of Summer '24)

  • , 3.40 minimum GPA (by end of Fall '24)

  • , 3.00 minimum GPA (by end of Summer '24)

ÿÈÕ̽»¨ are encouraged to make a Cabrillo counseling appointment to review specific requirements and deadlines.

Some campuses will:

  • review your academic records early

  • give you early admission notification

  • offer guidance on specific major preparation and general education coursework

  • ÿÈÕ̽»¨ must have completed at least 30 UC-transferable units through Summer 2024

  • GPA requirements must be met during the time of application and maintained for the Fall and Spring semesters.

  • Some schools have selective majors which require progress on a student's major courses. This also includes GPA requirements in major-specific courses.

  • Certain universities require specific progress and completion in English and Math.

  • Additional details found on specific University website

  • All students who plan to transfer should meet with a Cabrillo Academic Counselor each semester to help with course selection for their specific campus and major.

  1. To get started, you'll need to begin by creating an account and begin entering your coursework at

  2. Attend a TAP to TAG Webinar hosted by the Cabrillo Transfer Services or any of our UC partners, or watch our .

  3. Review your TAG application by attending a TAP to TAG Application Help session or schedule an appointment with a Cabrillo Academic Counselor.

  4. Submit your TAG application between September 1-30.

  5. Fill out the and submit between October 1- November 30.

Brief overview of TAG

Not sure if TAG is for you...start here!

student mortar board with words I'm psyched
Filling out the TAG was easy, and I'm so glad I did. I found out I needed one more class to transfer then I got admitted to my first choice campus!
~student transferring with TAG