
Office of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness


Comprehensive Integrated Education Plan (CIEP)

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Originally branded as Integrated Educational Master Plan (IEMP), the college decided it was important to rename the effort by removing the word 'master' from the title.

Master Planning at ÿÈÕ̽»¨

  • The , is a 5-year planning document and is distinct from the longer-term Educational Master Plan. Work on the Educational Master Plan was completed in early 2013, projecting future needs of educational programs, support services, and facilities through the year 2025.

  • The new strategic framework was developed through a year long process beginning in April 2018. A committee of Faculty, Staff and Administration sought design of a living document with broad appeal, appropriate for a 21st Century college, that would address the Chancellor's Office's Vision for Success as well as our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Guided Pathways.

  • Please review for more information about the Framework.


The ÿÈÕ̽»¨ Educational Master Plan is updated approximately every 12 to 15 years. The prior version of Cabrillo's Master Plan was published in 1997. Starting in spring of 2012, MAAS worked with different segments of the college community in the collaboration and development of the updates. A draft of the 2013 EMP was made available to the college community in December 2012, and comments and suggestions were solicited. The feedback was incorporated into the final release. 


The purpose of the Cabrillo Community College District Facilities Plan with Technology Support Plan (FMP) 2018 Update is to:

  • Align the FMP with the current California Economy;

  • Align the FMP with the 2015 Educational Master Plan;

  • Align the FMP with the 2014 District Strategic Goals;

  • Address changes experienced by the District in the last decade as documented in the 2017 Space Plan;

  • Identify and integrate Infrastructure needs;

  • Identify and integrate Technology needs;

  • Prioritize projects for a first phase of implementation;

  • Identify Rough Costs for selected projects.

This Facilities Master Plan (FMP) replaces all previous District Facilities Master Plans, and synthesizes all the relevant data in one document.

The was presented as an appendix to the 2018 FMP

This plan can be found on the Campus Projects page as well as

(updated 11/21/19)
  • Information for all components - including the comprehensive schedule for report plans lives on

  • Program Planning data tables can be found on the Program Planning dashboard

NEW Program Planning
  • Previous Instructional Program Plan (for drafts only, Final versions will be in eLumen)

Program planning has migrated to eLumen.
  • Use the for SLOs, Curriculum, and Program planning (This requires a Cabrillo employee login. Use Chrome or Firefox, as it may not work with Safari.)

  • The site is sorted by department and does not require employee authentication.

Additional support
  • Refer to the for assistance.

  • Assistance and support for eLumen can be found through the TLC.

  • Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) resources

  • Refer to the program planning also located in the in eLumen documents library and as a tab on the program planning dashboard.

  • - Wednesdays at 9am.

  • 2/14/24 and

Program Planning in eLumen: Workshop (2/14/24) and Flex Sessions (2/11/22 and 3/11/22)