
Parking Permits

FREE Parking in Student Lots From 2/3-2/14!

Grace Period: 2/3 to 2/14: no ticketing in student lots for vehicles without parking passes. Pick up your permit at the Welcome Center or SRC before the grace period ends.

Permit parking will be enforced in staff lots, visitor parking, handicap spaces, and loading zones

Link to /parking-permits/

Parking Permits will be available beginning Tuesday January 21, at the Welcome Center in Aptos or SRC at the Watsonville Center.

Parking Permits are now required on ALL student lots and the Watsonville City parking garage.


Spring, Fall, and Summer: $40, or $20 with CCPG waiver

  • Daily parking permits: $4.00

  • Must present a valid photo I.D. at one of the following sites:

    • Welcome Center, SAC East, Aptos Campus

    • Enrollment Services Office, Watsonville Campus

Your student account will be charged at the time you receive your parking permit.


All currently enrolled students may purchase a Cabrillo Parking permit

Parking permit use guide:

  • Parking is enforced 24 hours a day; 7 days a week. Permits must be displayed in your vehicle in the lower left of the windshield or from a hang tag on the rear-view mirror.

  • If lost or destroyed, a student can purchase a replacement permit at full price.

  • Permits are valid in student parking spaces only. If a student is parked in a staff or visitor space, a citation will be issued.

  • Motorcycles do not need a permit as long as they park in designated motorcycle parking space.

  • If a temporary disabled student permit is needed, stop by Accessibility Support Center Room 1070 Upstairs behind the library in The Hub.

  • Parking permits cannot be mailed. If you are picking one up for someone else, you will need a signed letter from that person giving you permission. Remember to bring a photo ID of yourself, as well.

Parking Violation Citation Information

Please visit the Sheriff's office page for parking violation information.