
Maps, Directions and Parking

Aptos (Main) Campus

of the Aptos campus map.

, phone: 831-479-6100
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Watsonville Center

Parking at the Watsonville Center>> / Como Estacionarse>>

318 Union Street, Watsonville, CA 95076, phone: 831-786-4700
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Parking / Estacionamiento

See detailed information about parking hours, permits and regulations.

You can buy a daily parking permit for $4.00 in any of the student parking lots from parking permit dispensers located in the lots. Daily permits are only good for the date of purchase.

If you are enrolled in credit courses, consider buying a semester parking permit.

Note: The Watsonville Center has some specific parking Instructions. If you are attending a performance please consult Crocker Theater Directions & Parking.

Información detallada en inglés acerca el horario, permisos y normas de los estacionamientos.

Se puede comprar permisos validos por el dia de emision a $4.00 en qualqier de los estacionamientos estudiantiles. Busca los dispensadores en los estacionamientos.

Tambien se puede obtener un permiso semestral.

础诲别尘á蝉, El centro de Watsonville tiene instrucciones especifícas acerca de sus estacionamientos.

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