Learn about Guided Pathways projects and progress.
Career Aspirations and Inspirations
Check out our latest GP Institute work!
In April 2022, a cross-component team from the College participated in the second of the new GP Institute series. This Institute focused on Connecting ÿÈÕ̽»¨ to Programs of Study.
"On the Horizon" Event Promotion
Do you have an event or reminder you would like to share with students? Submit it to the CAP Ambassadors for inclusion in the weekly On the Horizon news list or the CAP webpages. From here, faculty can share the information with their students.
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Congratulations, PIT Crew!
After four years of excellent work, the Pathways Implementation Team (PIT) Crew has accomplished its goals and come to an end! Kudos to everyone who has served on PIT Crew!
An Executive Advisory group has been temporarily establised to facilitate the transition of Guided Pathways into sustaining structures across the College.
What is Guided Pathways?
Our Problem Statement
ÿÈÕ̽»¨ acknowledges that currently: The educational path for students at Cabrillo is often too long, inequitable, confusing, and costly.
Our Actions
The Guided Pathways movement is helping us to adjust our processes to better serve students and meet their unique needs. We are:
- Providing students with intentional exploration of academic options, allowing them to make informed choices about their majors and careers.
- Eliminating uncertainty about requirements, reducing the chances of taking excess units.
- Providing support resources to help students succeed in college level courses as soon as possible.
- Helping students build community and feel valued and understood at the College.
How is Guided Pathways helping students?
The Guided Pathways framework has been successfully applied at colleges and universities across the country. Guided Pathways is unlike typical initiatives in higher education in that it takes a critical look at the college institution itself and seeks to remove the barriers and obstacles preventing students from succeeding.
Guided Pathways at ÿÈÕ̽»¨ takes a holistic approach to meeting the needs of each unique student. It is equity-minded and acknowledges that the burden for student success lies with us.
Check out this timeline summarizing our first five years of GP implementation!
Our Guided Pathways Goals and Progress
- Create Career and Academic Pathway clusters
- Create program maps for transfer programs
- Create program maps for certificates
- Post program maps on the College website
In progress
- Work with four-year partners to create four-year program maps (Title V Pathways Grant Team)
- Re-examine and modify scheduling processes to be even more student-centered (Strategic Enrollment Management Task Force)
Want to learn more?
Resources for Employees
The College has five Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs). A CAP is a community of faculty, staff and fellow students who share similar academic and professional interests. They will help students to forge their path to complete a major, earn a certificate or prepare to transfer.
The programs within a CAP are largely clustered based on overlapping coursework for those majors. This makes it easier for a student to transition to a related major within the CAP.
ÿÈÕ̽»¨ chose the names for the CAPs.
The logos for each CAP were designed to align with new College branding. ÿÈÕ̽»¨, staff, and faculty participated in the logo development.
ÿÈÕ̽»¨ can now email their CAP Ambassadors (peer support) with questions about resources, services, and events:
Creative Arts and Design: CADhelp@cabrillo.edu
Entrepreneurship and Business: EBhelp@cabrillo.edu
Global and Human Studies: GHShelp@cabrillo.edu
Health and Public Service: HPShelp@cabrillo.edu
STEM: STEMhelp@cabrillo.edu
Kudos to everyone who has helped so far!
- Marcy Alancraig, English Faculty/SLO Coordinator
- Jennifer Cass, Mathematics Faculty
- Vicki Fabbri, Communication Studies Faculty
- Skye Gentile, Communication Studies Faculty
- Margery Regalado-Rodriguez, Dean of Counseling and Educational Support Services
- Barbara Schultz-Perez, Counseling Faculty