Mission/Purpose Statement
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) reports to the College Planning Committee (CPC) and serves as an Accreditation Steering Committee. The committee improves program planning and resource allocation processes to support student learning by:
Ensuring program planning processes are documented
Providing technical assistance to units developing program plans including establishing baseline data, designing measurable outcomes connected to college strategic plans and utilizing findings from evaluation efforts
Reviewing and analyzing goals to identify institutional themes to aid the integration of planning and resource allocation efforts
Recommending improvements to processes to ensure efficacy in fulfilling the college mission and that the campus meets accreditation standards
Communicating trends and findings with the campus community and visiting accreditation teams
2024-25 Goals:
Goal One: Implement plans to document and assess institutional effectiveness within an equity framework and an HSI context, with a focus on communication strategies by:
emphasizing the development and dissemination of communication strategies around governance and decision making;
ensuring the systematic use of relevant data and high-quality evidence in decision-making; and
evaluating college planning and decision-making processes including timely updates and enhancements to the governance handbook​​​​.
Goal Two: Evaluate action items from KPI review to meet the objectives with equity, specifically our HSI status
Goal Three: Evolve and continuously connect program and institutional planning processes and initiatives, including leveraging technology / current systems.
Who They Report To
College Planning Committee (CPC)
2nd Thursday 9:00 am - 10:30 am
usually in Zoom or in SAC E 225
Link to Agendas and Minutes
Chair and Member Listing
Ashley Carniglia, Classified Staff
Steve Schessler, Guided Pathways
Serena Federman, Classified Staff
Michelle Donohue, Dean of Student Services
Anna Zagorska, Faculty Senate President
Vacant, Student Trustee, Student Senate
Denise Russo, Faculty
John Govsky, Faculty
Rory O'Brien, Faculty
Joanna Kimmitt, Administration/Instruction
Alicia Brewer, Confidential Classified Staff
Annabelle Rodriguez, Dean of Career Education & Workforce Development, ex-officio
Jen Vered, Faculty, Accreditation Liaison, ex-officio
Olga Diaz, Watsonville Center, ex-officio
Jennifer Cass, Outcomes Assessment Review Committee Chair, ex-officio
Amy Lehman, Vice-President, Student Services, ex-officio
Vacant, Vice-President, Administrative Services, ex-officio
Travaris Harris, Vice-President, Instruction, ex-officio
Terrence Willett, Dean of Research, Planning, & Institutional Effectiveness, IEC Chair, ex-officio
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