The purpose of the Facilities Planning Committee is to review and make recommendations to the College Planning Committee regarding the:
development and periodic updating of the Facilities Master Plan and priorities;
development of a Master Site Plan;
property acquisition issues,
inter-component reallocations of space and plans for significant remodeling, renovation, or other space modifications which require special funding beyond component base budget resources.
The and Parking Subcommittee report to the Facilities Planning Committee.
2024-25 Goals:
Review current and upcoming facilities projects. Report out to constitutent groups.
Review 5 year capital construction plan and state scheduled maintenance projects list.
Assign tasks to the Parking and Sustainability subcommittees. Make recommendations to CPC.
Who They Report To
College Planning Committee (CPC)
Quarterly during the semester. See
Link to Agendas and Minutes
Chair and Member Listing
Alicia Gregory, Interim Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services (Chair)
Dr. Matt Wetstein, President
Dr. Travaris Harris, Vice President, Instruction, Mark Ramsey, Designee
Vacant, Vice President of Student Services, Sally Larter, Designee
Eddie Cervantes, Dean, Education Centers, Distance Education, and Dual Enrollment
John Graulty, Dean, Visual, Applied and Performing Arts
Paul Harvell, Dean, Human Arts and Social Sciences
Annabelle Rodriguez, Dean, Career Education and Workforce Development
Vacant, Director, Budget & Fiscal Services
Steve Schearer, Director, Information Technology
Jon Salisbury, Director, Facilities Planning and Plant Operations
Alex Strudley, Director, Procurement & General Services
David King, Faculty Representative appointed by Faculty Senate
Matt Halter, Faculty Representative appointed by Faculty Senate
Tera Martin, Faculty Representative appointed by Faculty Senate
Chrissy Hankes, Classified Staff Representative Appointed by CCEU
Buff McKinley, Classified Staff Representative appointed by CCEU
Roxanne Nicholson, Confidential Representative
Denisa Rozsypalova, Student appointed by Student Senate
Resources and Archive
Additional Information
Communication Between the CPC and Other Planning Bodies of the College: The intent is to have as much transparency as possible. In the spirit of this intent, sharing of agendas and a summary of relevant planning topics from Cabinet and other bodies will be shared in advance or presented regularly to the CPC. Affected groups include: Cabinet, Instructional Council, Council on Instructional Planning, Administrative Leadership Team, and Component Manager Groups. See the and the .
For more information, visit College Planning Committee Website