

College Meetings happening in person and online

College Planning Committee (CPC)

The College Planning Committee advises and makes recommendations to the President on college matters that are consistent with the college mission requiring broad institutional input in service to our students, the college, and community.

Go to CPC Committee Page

Budget Committee (BC)

The Budget Committee helps establish common understanding within the college on significant budget planning assumptions and helps facilitate the transmission of knowledge about the college's annual operating costs.

Go to BC Committee Page

Facilities Planning Committee (FPC)

The Facilities Planning Committee updates the Facilities Master Plan and issues with significant remodeling, renovation, or other space modifications which require special funding beyond component base budget resources.

Go to FPC Committee Page

Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)

The Institutional Effectiveness Committee improves program planning and resource allocation processes to support student learning by ensuring program planning processes are documented and recommending improvements to processes to ensure efficacy in fulfilling the college mission and that the campus meets accreditation standards.

Go to IEC Committee Page

Safety Committee

The Safety Committee is concerned with the physical safety of campus facilities and grounds as well as and the emotional/mental feeling of safety of ÿÈÕ̽»¨ and Staff as described in the Principles of Excellence.

Go to Safety Committee page

Student Equity and Achievement (SEA)

Charged with supporting the development of the Integrated Plan (IP) for 2017-2019 for the Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity Program, and Student Success and Support Program.

Go to SEA Committee Page

Technology Committee

Makes recommendations for development and updating of the technology plan and priorities that will support and accelerate the accomplishment of the College Master Plan.

Go to Technology Committee Page