Courses, Degrees, & Transfer
Below you will find the courses to take your first semester at Cabrillo and the process for mapping out your semester-by-semester plan at Cabrillo.
Questions: Contact Jo-Ann Panzardi, Chair
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- CG 51-STEM
- ENGR 5
- Choose your level of math: Math 5A (Calculus I) or Math 4 (Pre-Calculus) or Math 1 (College Algebra)
- Choose your level of chemistry: CHEM 1A (College Chemistry) or CHEM 3/3L (if you did not receive an A or B in high school chemistry)
Other Course Options if you want to take another major core course in your first semester:
ENGR 25 (All Engrs) or ENGR 12 (Mech & Aero Engrs only) or ENGR 1A (Civil Arch & Structural Engrs only)
Visit these links to determine course requirements and to develop your semester-by-semester course plan.
Resources for Course Planning
Selecting Best Fit Transfer Universities
City or small town
Isolated college town or near city life
Near Santa Cruz or far (consider travel time)
4 seasons or no 4 seasons
Weather: cold, humid, etc
Campus layout: close together or spread out